What is a Swap Party? It is a great reason to clean out your closests and get rid of old treasures that you can no longer use. The beauty is you get to swap for other peoples treasures!
I sent an Evite explaining to everyone how it works, here is an overview of the invite:
By popular demand, I thought it would be fun to bring people together again this year to swap the stuff they don't want for stuff that you might want!
Last year we had a succesful swap! Many great things were traded and lots of fun was had!
For those of you that did not attend last year, here is an overview:
This is a way to shop for free and have fun! You know the phrase, "Someone elses trash is anothers treasure", well lets see how true that really is, but please DO NOT bring your trash.... Here are some ideas of items to bring:
* Clothes(gently worn)
* Accesories* Shoes (nothing Stinky please)
* Books* Kitchen Items (that work...)
* Furniture (that you can carry yourself because I will not have movers)
* Household Accessories (knick knacks)
The list can go on and on. The point of this is to see your stuff go to good use and not end up in the garbage. Heres how it works:
- For every item you bring, you can take home one item (Bring 5, take 5)... based on last year I would try not to bring more then 10 items (unless you just want to get rid of it) It can be hard to bring 20 and expect to go home with 20 new things.
- Each Person will be "Color-Coded" I will assign you a color post it for every item you bring and you will put a color Post it on other peoples stuff you might want. When you run out of your # of earned post its, then you can collect your stuff!
- Whatever is left behind that no one wants, I volunteer to pack it up and take it to the nearest donation center. If you bring something and no one takes it, and you want it back, that is fine too.
A few hot items from last year:
- A Faux Coach purse... this was a BIG item
- Books
- Designer Clothing and Shoes
All you need to host your own swap is:
Guests with fun stuff to share
Post its in different colors (one color for each swapper)
Space to display your items!
It is that easy!
People arrive and you sort the items by type, such as Clothing, Households, book etc...
You give everyone time to browse the room to get an idea of what there is.
Once everyone has arrived, you can "Open the Swap"! Thats when the fun begins!
Last year there was a little bit of a fight among ladies over a Faux Coach Purse... this year there were no battles, but girls were racing to get to the hot items!
We Swapped: Cute Summer Dresses, Work Clothes, Christmas Decor, Jewelry, Books and Kitchen Ware!
I gave prizes to 3 Winners for the following Categories:
Most Swapped Items: my college roommate came and brought bags of CUTE clothes that everyone wanted.... I remembered one of the reasons she was a great roomie!
Most Random/Hilarious Item: an old co-worker brought VHS copies of Paula Abdul work out/dance videos.. these were actually taken for someone to give as a white elephant gag gift, Perfect!
Most Wanted Items: A local neighbor brought the cutest cake stand with dome lid and many girls had their eyes on it during the browse... but the quickest lady to tag won!
I did not any pictures of the action, but it was fun!
Below are some pics of the snack table. I served Popcorn, Pretzels, Peanut M&M's and Berry Triffles(Yummy, but not pictured)... check out the adorable plates and napkins that I got at Michaels, Laura Ashley line.
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