I would like to talk a bit about those that know where you are registered and then take it upon themselves to buy you something that they think that you need/want. This can be GREAT, but it can also be terrible.
* Disclaimer- this is going to be blunt and honest and some may think I am a brat, but guess what, this is reality
I would first like to talk about the thoughtful people that go "off the registry". I am all about thoughtful and creative gifts that people give (see previous post). I recently had a bridal shower with friends. Lots of fun! I received great gifts, some of which were not registry items. This is ok! Because these ladies really thought about what we as a couple would like!
One of the gifts included place mats that she knew would match my the vision I have for our dining room. Also, monogrammed coasters and even a cute scarf that I wore that night to my Bachelorette Party (those pics to come soon).
The other "off the registry" gift that we received is so creative and awesome that I almost might let her guest blog to share her talents :)
Ok, so now for the not so great "off the registry" gifts. Here is the #1 no-no in my book when it comes to gift purchases. No one should go to the store that a couple has registered at and then look at the registry, but some how decide that they would like to buy something else. I am not going to give specifics (i do have some sensitivity for peoples feelings).
I would just like for people to know that it is not easy for a couple to register, the man is usually rushing and complaining because he doesn't know when a muffin pan will ever be used or that the towels that we have owned since college, will not last forever!
So after the couple spends 2 hours at sometimes 2 or 3 stores, the gift giver decides that the options picked were not quite right for the couple.
"Dear Bride and Groom, we are so happy for you. We saw that you registered for the blue towels , but we loved the Yellow. So we bought you a set of Bright Yellow towels! Enjoy :) "
Does that make any sense?
Like I said, this might sound rude, but it is the truth. If you do not know the couple that well, stick to the registry! They do it for a reason! It is not part of being a newlywed going back to make returns... but I guess now it is.
If you know the couple and you know that your thoughtful gift will be a hit, go for it! As you can see, some of my gifts were not registry items and I am in love with them!
Happy shopping :)
Holla! Glad you loved my gift! I thought it was such a mess but they were all things that I knew you would love or needed. I'm not going to lie, I kind of wanted that scarf for myself!
I've got a lot more where that came from! The following links will give you an idea of what I have in mind for your wedding gift:
A celebration dish?
An outfit to take to your honeymoon in Savannah -where you'll "want to stand out, but not distastefully so"?
Perhaps some nice art?
p.s. Jill - I want that scarf for myself too!
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