Facebook is a great tool that allows you to stay connected with friends and family. You can see pictures and read posts about what is new in thier lives. The problem is that I was connected to over 100 people and 80% of those people I NEVER talk to. Some I have not talked to 10 years...
Why should those people be called "friends" ? Why should they get to see what I am doing in my life. If they really cared, they should pick up the phone or email me...
I think that by disconnecting from FB, I am going to become a better friend. I am going to have to try harder to stay connected. Reading a friends post and knowing that they are going on vacation or got a new job or are getting married should not be the main point of communication.
A friend asked me on the phone, "if you quit facebook, what if something happens and is posted and you don't know about it" well... she had a point, but after a few minutes I realized... I guess that persons news must not be meant for me to know. A real friend would share that news before expecting me to learn it from the internet!
I am not saying that I will never go back. If I do, I will only select friends on FB if they are true friends. People that I talk to atleast once a month or people that put forth an effort to care about my life outside of my FB posts.
Adios FB!!

** UPDATE: this was drafted 4 days ago, I have since not looked at Facebook at all! it has been hard....but, I think it is a GREAT decision

I'm using it more and more and while I know that I'm checking it a lot, I'm enjoying it. I'm not going to give it up... however we are talking more and more about this cable issue. We haven't decided to just cut it free, but we're talking about our options. Called TW the other day to get details on our bill and eliminated about $30 in crap we didn't even know we were paying for... What bologna!
I posted an article on my blog called "Top signs your a Facebook Junkie." Check it out. Hope you get a laugh.
Good for you!
I deactived about 4 months ago and really have not missed a thing- or at least not that I knew I missed :)! I think you are right on...a real friend would share their news before the whole world knows.
I tried...but failed. I have this need to always be in know. Good for you!
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