Friday, October 28, 2011

table project

My sister had an extra table, so of course I took it. There were no chairs, but of course I could find chairs!

I found 6 chairs at a garage sale for $20... DEAL. Only problem was that they were a bit beat up... like the owners dog had chewed the legs....

no problem, I will sand that away.....

Now I will just paint everything the same color white and WA LA new table and chairs....
I wish it were that easy.....

The sanding only worked a little.... this dog must have been hungry...

The paint... OMG... spindle hell! It took me over 30 minutes to hand paint one chair!!

I went and picked up some of my bestie Rustoleum Spray Paint.... amazing!!!!!
2 cans per chair got a little pricey.... according to the hubs who thinks that maybe my money was better spent on a new table and chairs set....

I ended up only painting 3 of the 6 chairs and the table and here is the finished product...
I am pleased!!

This room is my latest project... up next Paint... new wall decor and some other flares......

Table- Free
Chairs- 6 for $20
Paint- 6 cans spray paint- $42
Total- $62

1 comment:

Jill said...

Looks great! I think it looks nice but what a pain.

Can't wait to make use of it!

When are the painters coming to help you with your walls?