Monday, June 24, 2013

baby bump update- 39 weeks

Baby stats- I have had exams every week for 3 weeks now. At my 36 week I was 1 cm dilated, at 37- 2cm and at 38 almost 3 cm and 70% effaced. So needless to say this progress gets my hopes up that the baby is ready....
At 37 weeks she gave me a non-stress test to track the babys heart beat. It was the first time I felt like a parent who had a child that would not cooperate! This baby would not sit still for anything and they kept having to start over! a 20 minute procedure took 2 hours!!! I hope that this is not a glimpse to the future.

At 38 weeks the dr. could not tell exactly where babys head was located, so they did an ultrasound. Luckily the head is down, just not quite centered to the cervix, but there is time for a shift.
Saw a few cute details in the ultra sound- little swishes of hair on babys head and the lungs, which are strong!

My stats- well... feeling LARGE and swollen. My feet are comically swollen! I enjoy naps, which is not normal for me. I am just ready ready for this pregnancy to be over.I have enjoyed every part week 6-35.... now I am ready to meet this baby :)

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