Tuesday, September 27, 2011

things to remember when traveling to Europe (or at least what I think is important)

- Read-read –read… educate yourself on the areas that you will visit! I did not do enough of this in advance, so mostly we would read the books on the next stop while on the train to that location… it still helped!
 Here are a few book brands we used: Frommers, Fodors, AAA

- Use the bathroom every time you are at a restaurant or café… the next one will not be free!! We often paid about 50 cents (1 euro) to use the WC (bathroom)

- If you do not know the language at least learn how to say “hello”, “thank you”, “how much does this cost”, “check please” , "do you speak English" and any words in relation to traveling in a cab or a train.

- If you plan to see it all… bring comfortable shoes, an umbrella and a rain coat! (you will need it)

- Riding your bike on the street is ok! Encouraged!

- Public displays of affection are normal… try not to stare when people are making out right before your eyes….

- The food is different!

- If you don’t like the food… keep trying and you will find something you like (even if its just bread and cheese)! DO NOT go to McDonalds or any other American chain… they are there, but come on… did you go to Europe to eat American?

- Maps are very important!!!!!

- Water is not free…. And wine is usually cheaper then water… drink up!

- Learn the Euro to dollar conversion! What you are about to buy is probably more expensive then you think.

- keep a travel journal... once its over, it is hard to remember all the details.
- Soak in all the culture and the history!
- Most important... HAVE FUN!

I would not say that I am a travel expert by any means. These are just a few things I wish I would have known going in... some things we practiced some we did not, but next time I am going to practice all these things and more!! To learn more about our trip to Europe visit these posts:
Begining, Middle, End

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